Hi! I’m Denise. I’m a mom to three boys — two tiny human babes and a horse named Teddy. We all live in Los Angeles and love to explore everything from our backyard to destinations around the world. You might say I’m a bit restless but I like to say I’m curious … and interested in interesting things. Art. Books. Food. Culture. Travel. Horses! Current events, fashion, design. Human Rights. Back in the blog heyday I used to write Hello, Moxie! about all of these things and more. But it was a lot of work for a hobby and it languished before I finally deleted it. But I love talking about what’s going on in the world so maybe I can pull it all together here? I’ll share a bit about my life as a photographer and tell some stories along the way. I don’t pretend to have anything figured out. Life is messy and complicated. I try to celebrate that. And laugh at it, too. Welcome!
PS You can also follow me on Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn and check out my side hustle here ,here and here.