Hi! I’m Denise. I’m a mom to three boys — two tiny human babes and a horse named Teddy. We all live in Los Angeles and love to explore everything from our backyard to destinations around the world. You might say I’m a bit restless but I like to say I’m curious … and interested in interesting things. Art. Books. Food. Culture. Travel. Horses! Current events, fashion, design. Human Rights. Back in the blog heyday I used to write Hello, Moxie! about all of these things and more. But it was a lot of work for a hobby and it languished before I finally deleted it. But I love talking about what’s going on in the world so maybe I can pull it all together here? I’ll share a bit about my life as a photographer and tell some stories along the way. I don’t pretend to have anything figured out. Life is messy and complicated. I try to celebrate that. And laugh at it, too. Welcome!

PS You can also follow me on Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn and check out my side hustle here ,here and here.

This is me. I was trying to be serious so I could be taken seriously. The more I’m behind the camera, the more I hate being in front of the camera. I’m working on that ….

Maybe my favorite photo ever taken. That’s my oldest child. It was windy and he was cold. And what a heart explosion to discover that we are two puzzle pieces that snap together! That’s a perfect way to describe us.

Setting off on a road trip makes my adventurous heart so happy.

This is Teddy. I call him everything from The BIg Man to Baby Bunny. None of it makes sense. He defies a definition and trying to figure him out is a daily adventure. He’s my therapist, my inspiration, my workout, my meditation, my adventure, my baby. He’s the funniest person I know. And so naughty in all the best ways.

One day, long before this one, it just clicked — I realized that all the things that I want to fight for are about human rights.

Me on my first day on set for Hulu’s The D’Amelio Show.


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